U.S. Antique Shows to introduce exclusive event in 2015

by eyetee | November 14, 2014 7:58 pm

U.S. Antique Shows is launching LUEUR, an antique jewellery and watch show being billed as “exclusively chic.”

“With LUEUR, our goal is to bring together elite dealers and the buyers of the most coveted antique jewellery and watches in a luxurious buying setting at one of Manhattan’s most unique and historic venues,” says Dan Darby, Emerald Expositions’ vice-president and U.S. Antique Shows general manager.

“In addition, the show’s dates were chosen specifically to avoid a conflict with city-wide events that occur later in the month, including Halloween and the New York City Marathon, as well as the November auctions held in Geneva.”

The show will be held at the Waterfront in Chelsea from Oct. 16 to 18.

Organizers say LUEUR will feature the most elite purveyors of antique, estate, and vintage jewellery and watches, showcasing highly prized and rare pieces from the Edwardian to contemporary periods.

LUEUR will offer jewellery retailers exclusive buying opportunities with trade-only hours on the show’s first day. The remaining three days will be open to the public.

For more information, visit www.lueurny.com[1].


  1. www.lueurny.com: http://www.lueurny.com

Source URL: https://www.jewellerybusiness.com/news/u-s-antique-shows-to-introduce-exclusive-show-in-2015/