Unique “Out of the Jewel Box” Experience to premiere in Tucson, Ariz.

by Tamanna Bhasin | January 12, 2024 9:51 am

The event will be located at the Tucson Scottish Rite Cathedral. Photo courtesy Sorbet Sapphire

The inaugural “Out of the Jewel Box” (OJB) Experience, a jewellery industry event looking to redefine the conventional trade show format, is ready to captivate enthusiasts and industry professionals alike at the historic Tucson Scottish Rite Cathedral from Feb. 1 to 3.

Set to take place at the same time as the Tucson Gem and Jewellery Show, the OJB Experience hopes to bring a more accessible show to the city. Breaking away from the conventional trade show model, it stands out as an exclusive in-person showcase, offering an intimate and relaxed setting for networking, product showcasing, and immersive business interactions.

Justin Opert of Sorbet Sapphire, one of the event’s organizers, says, “This event brings a refreshing approach to business, celebrating both the splendour of coloured gemstones as well as the artistry and craftsmanship of high-quality jewellery pieces.”

Situated just a five-minute walk to and from the American Gem Trade Association (AGTA) and Gem and Jewelry Exchange (GJX) shows, the OJB Experience offers the ideal venue for those looking to shop, network, or take a break to replenish and rejuvenate from the hustle and bustle of other Tucson trade shows.

For more information about the OJB Experience, including registration details and event schedule, visit ojbexperience.com.

Source URL: https://www.jewellerybusiness.com/news/unique-out-of-the-jewel-box-experience-to-premier-in-tucson/