Under the loupe

by eyetee | May 27, 2015 1:38 pm

SB_editor_Logos_low_JB_5_th[1]Here’s a quick update on what’s happening in the world of jewellery.

1. De Beers Consolidated Mines is hanging a ‘for sale[2]‘ sign on its Kimberley Mines Tailings Operation.

2. If you know someone who’s made outstanding contributions to the Canadian jewellery industry, cast your vote[3] for CJA Chairman’s Award the Erol Paylan Memorial Award here.

3. Are you headed to the Vegas shows? Here are some tips[4] to get you through the weekend.

4. Read what one young jewellery entrepreneur—Brittany Hopkins[5] of Toronto’s Anice Jewellery—has learned since opening her business three years ago.

5. It’s not easy being the Queen. Here’s a closer look[6] at the 83-year-old monarch’s crown and its 317-carat diamond.


  1. [Image]: http://www.jewellerybusiness.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/10/SB_editor_Logos_low_JB_5_th1.jpg
  2. for sale: http://www.jewellerybusiness.com/newsletters/recent-news/396-june-1-2015/2022-dbcm-puts-kimberley-mines-tailings-operation-on-the-market
  3. cast your vote: http://www.jewellerybusiness.com/newsletters/recent-news/396-june-1-2015/2021-vote-for-cja-chairman-s-award-erol-paylan-memorial-award
  4. tips: http://www.jckonline.com/blogs/on-your-market/2015/05/22/friday-5-my-tips-jck-las-vegas-newbie
  5. Brittany Hopkins: http://www.blogher.com/conversations-awesome-women-anice-jewellery-s-brittany-hopkins
  6. look: http://www.people.com/people/package/article/0,,20395222_20926121,00.html

Source URL: https://www.jewellerybusiness.com/news/xxxxxxxxxx/