The overall price of fancy colour diamonds dipped slightly in the third quarter, according to the latest Fancy Color Diamond Index (FCDI) from the Fancy Color Research Foundation (FCRF)
The index, which is based on pricing details collected for blue, pink, and yellow diamonds traded in Hong Kong, New York, and Tel Aviv, attributes its overall decrease of 0.5 per cent to a 1.5 per cent decline in the price of yellow diamonds. The prices of blues and pinks stood firm in the third quarter.
“The civil unrest in Hong Kong has had a negative impact on the entire luxury market, including diamonds and jewellery,” says FCRF advisory board member, Ephraim Zion. “Having said that, I’m not surprised fancy colour diamonds have been more resilient and managed much better than their counterparts.”
Compared to last year’s corresponding quarter, the index reveals a 6.9 per cent increase in two-carat fancy vivid blue diamonds and a five per cent increase in five-carat fancy vivid pink diamonds. Meanwhile, the price of eight-carat fancy vivid yellow stones dropped 9.5 per cent compared to last year.