Zilberschmuck renamed Great White North Exhibition

by eyetee | November 26, 2014 1:25 pm

Pam Tymensen of Toronto picked up Best of Show at the last edition of Zilberschmuck’s National Juried Exhibition of Canadian Fine Jewellery and Metalwork held earlier this year.

The Zilberschmuck juried exhibition—a staple in Canada’s art jewellery scene—has been renamed the Great White North Exhibition.

Now organized by Toronto’s 18Karat, the annual competition will continue in its format of presenting a theme on which artists base their entries.

“After 10 years, it was time to pass on the torch and bring in new hearts and minds to continue this much-loved and established exhibition,” said Zilberschmuck founder, Cheryl Fraser.

18Karat’s Vanessa Laurin is taking over from Fraser as the exhibition’s organizer.

“Cheryl has been a champion of the metal arts community for over 10 years, creating one of the only spaces in Canada to showcase Canadian-made jewellery and metal works,” Laurin said. “Many artists will name Cheryl as the first to see the potential in their work and Zilberschmuck as the location of their first sale. Cheryl Fraser has an unrivalled commitment to our community, and it is with great respect that we continue down the path she has forged. We are honoured to have been asked to continue forward with the annual juried jewellery arts exhibition first began by Cheryl in 2004, and we are very excited to accept the challenge of building upon an event dedicated to the exhibition of the very best of contemporary Canadian jewellery.”

This annual exhibition aims to take a deeper look at the Canadian identity—our history, culture, and stories. The theme for 2015 is ‘The Group of Seven.’ Artists are asked to submit two pieces of wearable jewellery inspired by the paintings of seven artists and their contemporaries, including:

• Tom Thompson;

• Lawren Harris;

• J.E.H MacDonald;

• Arthur Lismer;

• Frederick Horsman Varley;

• Frank Johnston;

• Franklin Carmichael;

• A.Y Jackson;

• A.J Casson;

• Edwin Holgate;

• L.L FitzGerald;

• David Milne;

• Thoreau MacDonald;

• J.W Morrice;

• Clarence Gagnon;

• Albert H. Robinson;

• Maurice Cullen; and

• Emily Carr.

Fraser says she has not completely stepped away from the competition she founded.

“I will still be involved to guide and mentor Vanessa and to promote the exhibition for its continued success,” she added.

The deadline to submit entries is March 31, 2015. For more information, see http://www.18karat.ca/great-white-north-exhibition[2].

  1. [Image]: http://www.jewellerybusiness.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/11/SB_low-PamTymensen-copy.jpg
  2. http://www.18karat.ca/great-white-north-exhibition: http://www.18karat.ca/great-white-north-exhibition

Source URL: https://www.jewellerybusiness.com/news/zilberschmuck-renamed-great-white-north-exhibition/