Zimbabwe to host inaugural diamond conference

by eyetee | November 5, 2012 3:03 pm

Kimberley Process (KP) chair Gillian Milovanovic and leaders from diamond centres around the world are set to converge on Zimbabwe for its inaugural diamond conference.

Notables including Abbey Chikhane, KP monitor for Zimbabwe who also served as the certification system’s first chair, will deliver speeches to about 300 delegates.

“I am happy and proud to be part of the conference that will serve to shed light on the diamond mining activities in Zimbabwe,” said Chikane. “As the country KP monitor, I have been witnessing tremendous changes and improvement in the mining landscape in the country. Today, all diamond mines in Zimbabwe have reached international standards and stand as a model for many diamond-producing countries.”

The event also showcases mining ministers from South Africa, Angola, Namibia, and Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC), as well as representatives of the Zimbabwe diamond mining industry, including:

The conference will be held at the Elephant Hills Hotel and Resort in Victoria Falls from Nov. 12 to 13.

Source URL: https://www.jewellerybusiness.com/news/zimbabwe-to-host-inaugural-diamond-conference/