Tag Archives: American Gem Trade Association

Sanctions on Burmese ruby and jade lifted

The eight-year ban on the U.S. import of Burmese ruby and jade has been lifted. Although the JADE Act of 2008 expired three years ago, an executive order was issued extending the ban.

President Barack Obama signed the executive order, lifting the ban, citing: “Burma’s substantial advances to promote democracy;… the release of many political prisoners; and greater enjoyment of human rights and fundamental freedoms, including freedom of expression and freedom of association and peaceful assembly.”

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New website consolidates educational programs into one platform

A new tool is available to help existing and prospective members of the trade find and access educational programs related to various parts of the industry. Launched by Jewelers Education Foundation (JEF), the Jewelers Education Portal is a collaboration between associations serving the jewellery, diamond, coloured stones, precious metal, and watch sectors.

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