Tag Archives: Blue Nile

Blue Nile to be sold for $500 million

Blue Nile, the successful online jewellery company, has reached an agreement to be purchased by Bain Capital Private Equity and Bow Street LLC. The public company will become private, as the purchasing parties acquire 100 per cent of outstanding shares. The all-cash deal, totaling approximately $500 million U.S., is expected to provide substantial value for stockholders, who will receive $40.75 U.S. per share. This is a 34 per cent increase over Blue Nile’s closing price on November 4, before the acquisition was announced.

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From the bottom up

Much has been written and debated among the trade about the current troubles facing the diamond industry. Not a day goes by we are not bombarded with headlines about the high price of rough or theories on how to make selling diamonds profitable again.

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