Tag Archives: Brian Barfield

Seeing things through the customer’s eyes: Be your client’s hero

Have you ever had a negative life experience open the door for you to discover a new reality? For the past several years, I have focused on helping others reconnect with the modern-day customer by conducting business founded on the core principles of trust, honesty, and integrity. In a twist of fate, I was given the opportunity to experience the negative effects of a company who conducted business the wrong way.

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Secrets to building a large and loyal customer base

There is an unseen enemy in the world of retail that has led many sales professionals to disconnect from their customers, staff, and, worst of all, themselves. I’m referring to two-headed monster of selfishness and greed, which has worked silently over the years and led us to many of the issues we face in the world of retail today.

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Selling with vision and insight

In our journey to discovering new avenues to success, I hope you have found great satisfaction in connecting with your customers in a new way. At this point, you have been given new skills on how to truly connect with your customer and see your sale in a whole new light. By putting your customers’ needs first, establishing a bond of trust, and opening the lines of communication, you are well on your way to newfound greatness.

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The modern-day sales presentation: Creating your selling style

Along our journey to discovering the modern day sales presentation, I have shared with you insights that have revolutionized my sales career. I hope the importance of seeing your sales presentation in a new light, re-establishing the bond of trust with your customer, and connecting with him or her, has resonated with you and impacted your sales career in a meaningful way.

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The modern-day sales presentation: Establishing trust to open lines of communication

Have you ever found yourself in a situation where you possessed a specific need, but felt very vulnerable when offering information? For me, the first thing that comes to my mind is taking my car to the auto repair centre. Clearly, I am there to have something done to my car. However, to not look ignorant, I act like I know what needs to be done and offer very little information. I do this because I have the sneaky suspicion they are going to rip me off or overcharge me for their services. The simple fact is I know nothing about car repair and the person who can help me has not yet gained my trust.

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Connecting with the modern-day customer

A sales pitch has unlimited potential—it may be quick, easy, and effortless. But it may also be a long-winded, drawn-out marathon. The final outcome is going to be based solely on whether you truly connected with your customer or not. From the moment he or she walks through the door, your actions set the course of the current sales process, as well as the future sales process, that is, if they choose to shop with you again.

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