Tag Archives: chain repairs

Back to basics: Don’t kick the bucket

I’d like to begin this article with a short discussion about pricing chain repairs. These jobs are a great source of dependable income for bench jewellers, as they take very little time and the cost is low. An experienced jeweller should be able to fix approximately eight chains an hour.

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Back to basics: A link in time

Time takes its toll. Even the most beautiful and well-crafted piece has limits on its endurance. At 2200 years old, this beautiful Greek statue of Venus de Milo—also known as Aphrodite—has had her share of difficult days. No one can say at this point what has become of her arms. Perhaps they were lost through rough handling or some natural occurrence, but even without arms, her beauty is undeniable.

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Tom’s Tool Tip

Anti-solder has long been used by both bench jewellers and silversmiths as a method to prevent solder from flowing where it is not desired. In our modern age of laser welders and CAD/CAM, we sometimes lose sight of traditional soldering techniques. However, if you one day get in a soldering pinch and wish you had some anti-solder, here is a quick and easy way to make your own.

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