Tag Archives: Colombian emeralds

Emerald dreams

Early Indian legends offer one explanation for the creation of emeralds. It is embodied in the story of Fura and Tena, two humans created by the god, Ares, to populate the earth. As the story goes, Fura’s disobedience angered Ares and he turned them both into two steep cliffs, said today to stand as symbolic guardians of Colombia’s emerald region. Saddened by what she had done, Fura sobbed uncontrollably, her tears turning into emeralds in the depths of the mountain.

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Emerald speak: Colombia sets the scene for the First International Emerald Symposium

By Cynthia Unninayar

Organized by Fedesmeraldas—the Colombian Emerald Federation—with support from the country’s emerald-related bodies, including the governmental Ministry of Mines and Energy, the First International Emerald Symposium was held Oct. 13 to 15 in the nation’s capital city of Bogotá.

It was the first time producer countries have come together at a high-level global gathering to discuss issues relating to the emerald business. Many stakeholders in the international precious gemstone and jewellery industry attended, … Continue reading Emerald speak: Colombia sets the scene for the First International Emerald Symposium

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