A Canadian diamond cutter will soon be bringing his work to the international scene.
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There has been a lot of talk of late about a lack of high-quality rough diamonds. The fact is, new discoveries are few and far between, and even when they are made, it can take up to 15 years to bring a mine into production. Yet, there seems to be a new source that has come online recently that few anticipated: the street mine.
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Gems cut in traditional shapes are beautiful, though also predictable and easily taken for granted. For many projects, setting a calibrated stone is simply a matter of purchasing a finding. When a gem is not calibrated, one can handcraft a basic setting.
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While we’d like to think Canadian diamonds come out of the ground and get sent to a nearby cutting and polishing facility where their brilliance and scintillation come to life, the reality is most stones are shipped to India, China, or another foreign cutting centre where labour costs are much less.
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Toronto’s first diamond-cutting facility is up and running, and producing private label stones.
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Gemstone and diamond cutters understand the subtle and not-so-subtle impact of expert cutting and polishing on a stone’s appearance and value. Educating the public on the difference in price for this precision work? Well, that’s another story.
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Joseph Shilon is a patient man. As a diamond cutter, the president of JSN Jewellery is accustomed to meticulously polishing a stone, enticing its facets to reflect light. His patience also extends to knowing when to take his business in a new direction, which in this case, means opening the doors of Toronto’s first official diamond-cutting facility.
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Joseph Shilon is a patient man. As a diamond cutter, the president of JSN Jewellery is accustomed to meticulously polishing a stone, enticing its facets to reflect light. His patience also extends to knowing when to take his business in a new direction, which in this case, means opening the doors of Toronto’s first official diamond-cutting facility.
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There’s a bit more homegrown diamond sparkle out there. Diamond aficionados got their first look at ‘Made in Ontario’ diamonds last week, as Birks officially unveiled 100 stones from De Beers’ Victor Mine at its Toronto flagship store.
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Crossworks Manufacturing is setting up Ontario’s first diamond cutting and polishing facility in Sudbury, Ont.
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