Tag Archives: feature

Building bonds beyond business

Nestled in a block of other businesses, right by a busy intersection, Mississauga, Ont.’s Valencia Jewellery stands as a beacon of heritage and craftsmanship. What first began as an initial gold purchase in Colombia 60 years ago, has since evolved into a family-run establishment where respect for customers and a passion for genuine connection transcend the glittering pieces on display.

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Trend report: Yellow gold resurgence

Fashion trends tend to swing along a pendulum, ranging from one extreme to another every few decades. With the recent resurgence of ‘70s and ‘80s inspired looks, in everything from hairdos to fashion to pop culture, it is no surprise that the pendulum has swung back to yellow gold. This yellow gold renaissance feels joyful and celebratory, as the post-pandemic world continues to prioritize feel-good fashion, maximalism, and colour.

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The four Cs of robbery protection: A new way to stay safe

How can you remember crucial safety guidelines during a robbery event? Taking the most important general retail crime-prevention guidelines, Jewellers Vigilance Canada (JVC) has crafted a mnemonic that parallels a knowledge base that every jeweller knows—the four Cs. The four Cs of robbery protection can make it easier to remember safety tips at any time, let alone during a robbery.

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Modern-day industry machinery

Plenty of debates can be had when it comes to jewellery technology. Which machine is best for your business? What’s the most important thing to consider when making a purchase? How much should you rely on high-tech tools, anyway? While answers to the questions vary from jeweller to jeweller, one thing most of the trade can agree on is technology is here to stay. Jewellery Business offers the following overview of engravers, printers, welders, and carvers.

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How to appraise your appraisal

By Sonja Sanders

If you’ve spent even a second in the jewellery trade, chances are you’re not a stranger to appraisals. Appraisals are crucial to the industry, they’re needed for insurance purposes, legal petitions, auctions, estate sales, online sites…the list goes on. In the last four decades, technological and educational advancements in the world of jewellery have pushed for an evolution in appraising standards, ensuring integrity, and safeguarding both jewellers and their clients. So, … Continue reading How to appraise your appraisal

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Soldering and pickling: Tips and tricks for a smooth finish

Solder pits can be incredibly frustrating, especially during the peak season leading to the holidays. But have you ever wondered why they occur and how you could avoid them? To answer this question, here are some basic tips of the trade that you can use either during the fabrication process or while making repairs. Following these tricks should lessen your troubles, eliminate pitting, and provide your customers with quality, top-notch work.

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Designing and working with 3D-printed fine jewellery

More and more designers and bench jewellers are understanding the benefits of working with 3D printers, even on a small scale. The recent rise in 3D printing in fine jewellery manufacturing is expected to continue with compounding growth over the next decade. The labour-saving and cost-effective nature of 3D printing allows jewellers to interact more with the creative aspects of fine jewellery manufacturing. Here are some lessons and helpful tips for jewellery creators experimenting with 3D printers.

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Opportunity knocks, so open the door!

The development of customer relationships is central to what is known as the Loyalty Ladder. This concept is like a romance: It starts as an infatuation (the first interaction or sale), which can lead to a type of courtship (repeat sales), then exclusivity (where your shop becomes top of mind for all their jewellery requirements), and, finally, a total commitment (leading to the active promotion and sharing of your business with friends and family).

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Creating your social media persona

By Anita Agrawal

Are you camera shy and unsure about how to get into making videos? I was too. Even though I am not great at social media, I am an avid user and observer of trends. In this article, I want to share some of the easiest ways to get into filming videos specifically for the jewellery industry. A few years ago during the pandemic, I approached a magazine to create YouTube content. … Continue reading Creating your social media persona

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