Tag Archives: gemmology

Topaz: Unravelling the mystique of a timeless gemstone

A jeweller’s life is never complete without a few topaz along the way. Its hardness, along with its high reflectivity and lustre make for a dependable gemstone in any jewellery store. Well known in different shades of blue and yellow, this gem is considered inexpensive and hard enough to be great practice stones for a setter willing to learn the trade, or students looking to make their first jewellery collection without emptying their pockets.

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Tucson is back!

If only one thing could be said about this year’s Tucson GemFair, it’s that the events comprise, without a doubt, the most significant gem show around, as well as the largest gathering of jewellers and gemmologists from around the world. Passion made this show happen—and the same passion will make it continue.

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