Jewellery appraising is a profession that has evolved over many decades, but watch appraising seems to still be in its infancy. Appraising watches requires a deep understanding of the product, the consumer, and the marketplace.
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Gold prices spike, they fall, and then they plateau. You’ve heard the news, seen the graphs, and if you’re a veteran appraiser, you’ve experienced déjà vu countless times.
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Pearls have been treasured for centuries as a symbol of wealth and nobility. Yet, they are no longer reserved for the privileged few. Today, we can all enjoy pearls of infinite variety and at any price.
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Appraisers have heard time and again there are three common approaches to value: cost (i.e. cost to produce), market data (i.e. sales comparison), and income. Traditionally, and still with many appraisers today, the cost approach is the method of choice for valuation. But whose cost are they considering?
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So you want to be an appraiser. Maybe you’re a graduate gemmologist, bench jeweller, or a sales associate and you’re ready for a new challenge. Where do you start?
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Appraising branded jewellery and watches is a hotly debated topic among valuers, the industry, and insurance professionals. Some recognize the intangible value of branding, while others do not.
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They say diamonds are like snowflakes—no two are alike. Well, it appears the same goes for lab reports. The demand for diamond grading reports has increased in this age of online trading and mistrust.
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