Tag Archives: gold

Shades of gold: Picking the best partner for a diamond

To help ensure a client selects the diamond/gold combination that is best for them, jewellers should consider approaching the process of ring selection from a different angle. Rather than starting with the gold or metal, ask clients to select their preferred natural colour diamond. From there, the colour of gold can be selected according to which nuances will bring out the best elements of the diamond(s).

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What’s old is new: Dressing a showcase with vintage gold

The word “noble” is applied to a small handful of metals—silver, the “platinum group,” and, of course, gold. Metals in this category are found in their workable state in nature, and are not readily corroded, rusted, or degraded under normal natural conditions. This means gold cannot only be found in usable form, but, if it has been made into something, it will remain in this state forever.

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