Tag Archives: Jennifer Shaheen

Shop ’til you drop: The marriage of digital and the personal in-store touch

While the metaverse was among the hottest topics of conversation for 2022, the idea of a virtual world where people live, work, shop, and interact was a bit concerning for many in jewellery retail. Store owners were left wondering if brick-and-mortar shops would be around at all in the coming years, or if their businesses would be moved exclusively online. Despite the buzz, the answer, as we know it, is traditional retail is not going anywhere. Indeed, when it comes to purchasing jewellery in particular, plenty of shoppers continue to prefer a tactile, in-person approach.

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Channel surfing: Can the independent jeweller really manage multi-channel marketing?

Throughout the year, I see and speak with hundreds of jewellery retailers at industry events, including JCK Las Vegas and AGS Conclave, and so many of them have the same concern. They’ve heard plenty about how essential multi-channel marketing is in today’s crowded, competitive marketplace, but they know they have limited time and resources. Is it possible, they ask, for a business owner like them to have a multi-channel marketing strategy?

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