Many jewellery retailers and sales associates are well-versed in the bridal arena and know how to help brides and brides-to-be select engagement rings and wedding bands. Grooms, on the other hand, can prove to be a bit more challenging. For many men, the wedding ring is the first piece of daily-wear jewellery they buy. For others, jewellery—and rings in particular—may not be new territory at all. Yet, there are a few points of consideration that smart sales associates can share with grooms-to-be.
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Love stories are as old as time itself, but today’s jewellers keep love stories new with a fresh wave of imaginative bridal jewellery suited for a modern era. The exchanging of betrothal rings is an ancient tradition, but it wasn’t until the 16th century that the concept found widespread acceptance.
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Three words grace the glass wall of Martin Bunting’s office: truth, transparency, and teamwork. As the recently appointed CEO of Calgary-based ammolite jewellery company, Korite, he is tasked with growing the brand in North America, Europe, and Asia. And he’s relying on truth, transparency, and teamwork to help him do that—or “move Korite to 2.0 from the 1.0 stage it was at,” as he puts it.
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It’s inevitable the bride be the centre of attention, come the wedding day. All eyes are on the dress, the jewellery, and the bouquet, a reflection of her personal taste and the vision she’s likely had since childhood. But don’t forget it’s the groom’s day to shine, too.
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As a jewellery designer, I have fantasies of going back in time to be employed in the court of a Renaissance prince or the palace of an Egyptian pharaoh or a Maharajah. Those were the days when men of power both commissioned and wore a wealth of jewellery that confirmed their status and success and, I think, for many, the pure joy of wearing beautiful pieces.
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Bridal jewellery tends to be one of those categories you can take to the bank. Regardless of the season or economic landscape, people will always get married and need symbols of their love fashioned from precious stones and metals to do it.
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While brides are usually the centre of the attention on their wedding day, grooms are not to be forgotten. With the multitude of styles, metals, and materials available, gents can’t help but pick out something that symbolizes both their personal style and their devotion.
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Saying ‘I do’ with a little sparkle is not just for the bride. Given the time-consuming task of picking an engagement ring and matching band, bling for the boy may seem like an afterthought. Yet, with the multitude of styles, metals, and materials available, gents can’t help but select something that symbolizes both their personal style and their devotion.
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