With the rise of online marketing, it is likely your jewellery store has a social media presence. Yet, have you given proper thought to what you should and should not be posting?
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When you think about theft within your business, protecting your inventory is probably the first thing that comes to mind. Unfortunately, there are other ways your business can be harmed. Data theft and fraud can have an even greater financial impact on your bottom line.
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Jewellery stores face unique security challenges, largely because merchandise is both small and very valuable. Effective video security solutions are available, but it is not uncommon to find a store in which the cameras do not provide sufficient coverage and image quality to combat theft.
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It may seem like simple advice, but when dealing with valuable shipments of jewellery merchandise, you can’t be too careful as you send packages.
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A few simple steps can help you avoid losing incoming shipped valuables and protect yourself against any discrepancies between what was shipped and what you actually received.
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The ‘what ifs’ are endless when it comes to threats in the jewellery industry. Each year, jewellers fall victim to crime and face unpredictable losses from fire, natural disasters, and even internal theft.
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Reality TV—it’s everywhere these days. Although this particular type of programming generally isn’t my cup of tea (with so much of it being contrived and representing anything but reality), I am nonetheless intrigued by a certain category of it that showcases an all-too-real threat to retail businesses.
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As a jeweller, you’re aware of the risks you face when working and travelling with jewellery. However, if you’re not also following sound security procedures at your home, you may be exposing yourself and your family to potential danger.
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Off-premises robbery involving retail jewellers is a growing concern in Canada, reinforcing a key loss-prevention lesson for the benefit and well-being of the entire jewellery industry.
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Jewellery consumer and trade shows provide a great forum to interact with clients and get your merchandise out there to potential buyers.
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