Tag Archives: terrorist financing

Comes out in the wash: Why complying with Canada’s anti-money laundering rules makes good business sense

It’s not often Financial Transactions and Reports Analysis Centre of Canada (FINTRAC) makes national headlines, but it did just that in April. The story referred to a controversial decision not to release the name of a bank fined more than $1 million for various infractions under Canada’s Proceeds of Crime (Money Laundering) and Terrorist Financing Act (PCMLTFA).

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Happy anniversary, CJA: Here’s looking at the first 95 years

“Who will buy ‘old gold’? Is the legitimate jeweller going to get this business?” It’s a question many jewellers today might ask as they consider whether to get into the cash-for-gold game. It’s also the headline of a 1933 article in the Canadian Jewellers Association’s (CJA’s) publication at the time, warning Toronto’s jewellers of an influx of ‘old gold’ operations infringing on their would-be territory and encouraging them to get in on the action.

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